Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Beautiful To Him

We are sons and daughters of Heavenly parents. We chose to come here and be apart of this great work. We each were born with divine purpose. Divine potential. We ALL have unique abilities and talents that the world NEEDS.

While in high school I was scared of the future. Scared of hard work and failure. Scared to be different in a sense. I wanted to do things to please people.  Now that I am a high school graduate, my whole way of thinking has changed. I've never wanted to learn so much before! I've never wanted to be so different. I've never wanted to find who I was sent here to be. I've never wanted to please God more.

I realize now who I am. I am a daughter of a KING! How amazing is that? I have the ability to become! Who I was or even who I am now is nothing compared to what I have the ability to become! And how amazing is it that the same goes for each and every one of us. We are all in the process of becoming. We all have divine potential. If only we but realize the powerful force of good that we can become, if not already. And the most amazing part of it all? Even after we become who we have been striving to be, we can strive for more! Our abilities are endless. 

Have faith in yourself. Have faith in your loving Heavenly Father. Pray. Pray ALWAYS. As much as you think you can do it on your own, you can only get so far without help. Without the help of the Savior. I never realized the role He plays in my life until my senior year. God is so good you guys. He loves you more than you could EVER imagine. You are beautiful to Him. You are perfect. The worlds little lies are destruction in diguise. Don't heed to their words or view on beauty. The world can't see what lies within you. The world doesn't know what you can become. Little by little they will feed you lies that will eat away at your soul. They will make you forget who you are and the divine potential you hold inside. Look to God. Look to Him in all things. And I promise, I PROMISE that you will realize how great you really are. His love is endless. It is always there. All He wants is for you to ask. He wants you to want His help. And whence He knows that, He will help! Even when you don't think He is answering your prayers or hearing your cries. He is. I know it because I've felt that way. But the moment I put faith in Him and knew of His great power, I felt His love encircling in all aspects of my life. Just believe. And if you don't have faith or believe, just rely on some one you loves faith until you have enough of your own. 

YOU ARE GLORIOUS. You have a purpose. A purpose that God wants you to find. Find it. And once you find it, clinge onto it as if your life depends on it, because the world will try to take it away faster than you can see. I pray that you will always remember who you are. And when you don't (and you will forget) I pray that you will pray. And ask for strength. I can't stress to you enough how much sincere prayer helps. Just pray pray pray until you feel His love encircling you. Until you feel His hand on your back telling you "Fear not, I am with you and you are loved."

You are amazing.
You are unique.
You are loved.

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